io Module
str1 ⇒ str2
Prints str1 (prompt), reads a line from STDIN and places it on top of the stack as a string.
((str1 quot1)+) str2 ⇒ a*
Prints str2, then prints all str1 included in the quotation prepended with a number, and waits from valid input from the user.
If the user enters a number that matches one of the choices, then the corresponding quotation quot1 is executed, otherwise the choice menu is displayed again until a valid choice is made.
∅ ⇒ ∅
Clears the screen.
bool ⇒ ∅
Enables or disabled color output in terminal (enabled by default).
quot int ⇒ a
Prints all elements of quot to STDOUT, in int columns.
str ⇒ bool
Prints str (prompt) appending " [yes/no]: ", reads a line from STDIN and:
- if it matches /^y(es)?$/i, puts true on the stack.
- if it matches /^no?$/i, puts false on the stack.
- Otherwise, it prints Invalid answer. Please enter 'yes' or 'no': and waits for a new answer.
a ⇒ a
Prints a and a new line to STDOUT, if logging level is set to debug or lower.
a ⇒ a
Prints a and a new line to STDERR, if logging level is set to error or lower.
str1 str2 ⇒ ∅
Appends str1 to the end of file str2.
a ⇒ a
Prints a and a new line to STDERR, and exists the program with error code 100.
str ⇒ str
Reads the file str and puts its contents on the top of the stack as a string.
str1 str2 ⇒ ∅
Writes str1 to the file str2, erasing all its contents first.
∅ ⇒ int
Reads single character from STDIN without waiting for ENTER key and places its ASCII code on top of the stack.
a ⇒ a
Prints a and a new line to STDOUT, if logging level is set to info or lower.
quot 'sym ⇒ ∅
Maps the named key/key combination 'sym to the quotation quot, so that quot is executed when key 'sym is pressed.
- At present, only the key names and sequences defined in the minline library are supported.
- The quotation will be executed by a copy of the min interpreter created when the mapping was defined. In other words, quotations executed by key bindings will not affect the current stack.
∅ ⇒ ∅
Prints a new line to STDOUT.
a ⇒ a
Prints a and a new line to STDOUT, if logging level is set to notice (default) or lower.
∅ ⇒ str
Reads a line from STDIN displaying * for each typed character, and places it on top of the stack as a string.
a ⇒ a
Prints a to STDOUT.
str ⇒ a
Prints str to STDOUT without printing a new line (str must contain only one character).
read ⇒ fread
See fread.
a ⇒ str
Puts the data type of a on the stack. In cased of typed dictionaries, the type name is prefixed by dict:, e.g. dict:module, dict:socket, etc.
'sym ⇒ ∅
Unmaps a previously-mapped key or key-combination 'sym, restoring the default mapping if available.
a ⇒ a
Prints a and a new line to STDERR, if logging level is set to warn or lower.
write ⇒ fwrite
See fwrite.