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NimConf 2021 Talk
- Entirely written in Nim. It can be easily embedded in other Nim programs.
- Follows the functional and concatenative programming paradigms.
- Provides a wide range of combinators for advanced stack manipulation and dequoting.
- Provides a minimal set of data types: integer, floats, strings, booleans, dictionaries, and quotations (lists).
- Homoiconic, code can be accessed as data.
- Includes an advanced REPL with auto-completion and history management.
- Provides a lightweight module system.
- Provides sigils as syntactic sugar to access environment variables, quoting, defining and binding data, etc.
- Includes a small but useful standard library for practical tasks.
- Self-contained, statically compiled into single file.
Don't need all of these features? If you are looking for something even smaller and more bare-bones, check out mn, min's even more minimalist little brother.
The following example shows how to find recursively all files in the current folder that were modified in the last hour:
. ls-r
(mtime now 3600 - >)
The following example shows how to calculate the factorial of 5 using the linrec combinator:
(dup 0 ==) (1 +)
(dup 1 -) (*) linrec