Learn: Data Types

The following data types are availanle in min (with the corresponding shorthand symbols used in operator signatures in brackets):

null (null)
null value.
boolean (bool)
true or false.
integer (int)
A 64-bit integer number like 1, 27, or -15.
float (flt)
A 64-bit floating-point number like 3.14 or -56.9876.
string (str)
A series of characters wrapped in double quotes: “Hello, World!”.
quotation (quot)
A list of elements, which may also contain symbols. Quotations can be used to create heterogenous lists of elements of any data type, and also to create a block of code that will be evaluated later on (quoted program). Example: (1 2 3 + *)
command (cmd)
A command string wrapped in square brackets that will be immediately executed on the current shell and converted into the command standard output. Example: [ls -a]
dictionary (dict)

A key/value table. Dictionaries are implemented as an immediately-dequoted quotation, are enclosed in curly braces, and are represented by their symbol definitions. Note that dictionary keys must start with :and be followed by a double-quoted string, or a single word (which can be written without double quotes). The dict Module provides some operators on dictionaries.

Additionally, dictionaries can also be typed to denote complex objects like sockets, errors, etc. For example, the following dictionary defines an error:

{ "MyError" :error "An error occurred" :message "symbol1" :symbol "dir1/file1.min" :filename 3 :line 13 :column ;error }


The dtype operator can be used to set the type of a dictionary.

The logic Module provides predicate operators to check if an element belongs to a particular data type or pseudo-type (boolean?, number?, integer?, float?, …).

Additionally, the global Module provides operators to convert values from a data type to another (e.g. integer, string, and so on).


Most of the operators defined in the num Module are able to operate on both integers and floats.

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